87th Annual
Hawaii Lions Convention
April 27, 28, & 29, 2023
We want you to attend! Join us as convention-goers can look forward to an inspiring weekend of business & pleasure. The convention offers an ideal setting for reuniting acquaintances and making new friends. Lions also learn about other club & district projects, participate in elections, and make personal connections with international leaders & representatives from headquarters. The most important part of our District Convention is YOU!
This year the Ala Moana Hotel will host the business portion of our convention. The Flag Night, Fun Night and the DG Banquet will be at nearby venues. We will be offering transportation for our neighbor island Lions attending the convention.
In addition we present exciting Sponsorship Opportunities for businesses in our community. Please email HawaiiLionsConvention@gmail.com to inquire more about our Ad and Sponsorship opportunities.
Early Bird registration is now available!
Shasta Yamada
2023 District 50 Convention Chair